Chelsea Manning Offers Her Thoughts on BTC.

12 Aug 2022, 08:00
Chelsea Manning Offers Her Thoughts on BTC Chelsea Manning has always been a bitcoin fan, though she’s more into the technology rather than the actual coin itself. She believes that the blockchain technology supporting BTC can potentially ensure that information is stored securely, though she doesn’t think the currency has much economic promise, nor does she think it will endure widespread adoption as a payment method. Chelsea Mannings Loves Blockchain, Not BTCManning, as many of us remember, was pardoned by former president Obama for her role in leaking information about the Afghanistan and Iraq wars to Wikileaks in the year 2010. As a former military intelligence officer, Manning became a serious bitcoin fanatic many years ago and says that cryptography is one of her largest passions. Manning has regularly been reading about bitcoin and initially saw it as “cute” and “gimmicky,” though eventually, she began to see it as more than something that could help people “get rich quick.”